Friday, August 1, 2008

God speaks in Dreams

This was so awesome - I had to share it. My friend Robin has been thinking about sponsoring a child through Compassion for awhile but didn't want to do so until her husband was on board with it. Anyway, so the other night - she has this dream that her and I are walking in a convenience store and hear a little boy crying. She goes searching for the boy and finds him, picks him up and tries to comfort him while looking for his parents. She doesn't find the parents but she comes across a child packet for him and realizes he's a Compassion child in need of a sponsor. So she wakes up in real life and remembers exactly what the kid was wearing and what he looked like and felt very strongly that this was God's way of telling her she needed to do this. So she told her husband about it and he said that they should do it. So she went online to and three pages into it - there he is - the little boy. 6 year old Fernando from El Salvador - wearing the same shirt in the picture that he was wearing in the dream. That is the coolest God moment ever!!! She sponsored him. I'm so excited!! God is so awesome.

1 comment:

Sarah Hayes said...

You've been tagged. Check out my blog to find out the rules of the game!