Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Sacrifice To Go

I woke up this morning before my alarm. Partly because I'm super excited to go back to Haiti for the 4th time since last June. And partly because I woke up at precisely the time my sweet dog Auty usually wakes me up - 5:50 am. Yup, that's what time I woke up. I dropped her off yesterday at a place nearby where she had her first overnight stay last night. She's gone several times for doggy daycare and she loves getting to play with the other dogs all day. She is wiped out when she gets home and she always looks like she's smiling:) I love that girl! I'm a first time dog owner and I never thought I'd ever want a dog. My brother got bit in the face while I was standing next to him when we were kids so I was always kind of scared of them. But Auty has changed my mind forever. Through an interesting and God-ordained series of events, I adopted Auty (who was actually named Autumn by the foster family who rescued her from the local animal shelter). It was meant to be! I never knew how much I'd fall in love with an animal. She is truly my best friend - my little sidekick. We're the A-team:) hee hee Since I'm single and don't have any kids, she is my kid. My furr-child:) So I know it's probably silly to a lot of people that I would be having a hard time leaving her for this trip but it was really hard. But I know it's just 10 days out of our lives and we have forever. She has a forever home and as time goes on, she'll realize that. And let me not forget all the children around the world who don't have forever homes. This whole thing got me thinking about all the past team members I've traveled with on mission trips, many of whom have left children at home to go love on orphans. It has opened my eyes to a new appreciation for the sacrifice they've made to be away from their kids for 1-2 weeks. And you know, it's also got me thinking - it's supposed to be a sacrifice to go on a mission trip. It's different for everyone but often we sacrifice one thing to be obedient to God and in return, He returns that sacrifice into a blessing in so many ways. People's kids start to see beyond their own little world and start to also have a heart for the orphans who don't have a mom or dad. Who knows the impact that will have on that child for the future and in turn, what impact that child who becomes an adult can also have on the nations. It's a ripple effect. It might feel complicated sometimes with all our responsibilities and day to day busyness and limited finances but it's not - it's simple - we are ALL called to do what the bible says in James 1:27 to visit orphans in their distress. It doesn't specify women only or only people from the US or only a certain denominations. No - it's what we are all called to do. Is it a sacrifice financially? Yes. It is a sacrifice to leave family, pets, spouses, jobs behind? Yes. But is it worth it? Definitely. So worth it. You go to be a blessing to these kids and to remind them that there is a God in heaven who will never leave or forsake them, who is their heavenly father. These are kids that need to know Father God more than anything. So can I leave my dog at an awesome daycare place for 10 days to go and to love on some kids? Yes I can. I might miss her like crazy but I consider it an honor to go and serve and love on the "least of these" in God's kingdom. We need more people to go and do the same. 2012 trips are posted on our website. We already have 28 trips on the calendar for next year. Not to mention all the ones still to come this year. Sign up and go! Make the sacrifice! It's worth it. These kids are worth it.

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